Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hosting my own radio station

Well!  I've decided that I want my own Internet radio station.  I don't know why but I've been getting a lot of compliments about my voice.  I was told I should do radio.  So, I looked into it and decided to do an English and Spanish themed Radio Station.  50-50.

I used to listen to some radio stations but the existence of Payola is still in effect not allowing some great music to be played and/or acknowledged.

I will notify all my friends once i get all my ducks in a row.  I'm sure you will not be disappointed with my selections and/or interviews.  i want to base all of it on or around the Lower East Side/East Village.

Please, if you have any suggestions about what to play or talk about on the air, let me know through inbox or email me at PIANOKEN@AOL.COM.  I'm seriously excited about it!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

To my friend

I have often written about how religion is nothing but energies seen in different views.  What people often feel in church  and is described as the "Holy" Spirit is, to me, the culmination of all the positive energies combining into one great energy enlightening the worshipers.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  I have found that focusing with sincere emotion on something you want usually results in that energy providing you with what you are asking for from the start.  I also notice that saying some things over and over again increase the energy to your request every time you say it.

I know why prayers are said over and over again.  It brings a sense of peace to the one that is praying.  That sense is in fact an energy.  To re-focus one's energy on something new is a task in itself.  It is a new beginning with new obstacles to overcome.

I have this friend that has found that things around her have been deteriorating little by little.  She has been forced to say goodbye to a few friends and that alone has made her sad.  The aura that has set around her is one of a negative branding.

It is described as Karma.  What you put out in the world comes back to you.  People often take advantage of friends and they don't realize that they are damaging, not only their relationship, but the energies surrounding them as well.

I found myself in a similar predicament while I was still married.  It was obvious what the ex-wife was doing and , even though we won't specifically talk about that, there was a fog of negativity in my home.

It was about 12 midnight.  My ex-wife was out partying as usual with those friends that just wanted her to hang out.  I went to my window that faces the river and I began to pray.  I didn't pray the "Our Father" or any other set prayers.  I simply stood there talking to God.

I wept, I laughed and I prayed.  I prayed with sincere and powerful emotion and I asked the Almighty to remove all the negativity out of my life.  I even asked that if that meant my wife had to go, then so be it.  I was hoping that he would just set my Ex-wife on the right family path but instead, 9 days later, she was gone.

I was a pain that I thought I wouldn't be able to handle but I did.  I moved on.  I have never been such at peace as I am now.  Don't get me wrong, I know I must forgive her but it's not time yet.  I wish her the best and I bless her at night but I'm not ready yet.  Soon.  I hope.

In the past 3 years, I have lost friendships that went as far back as 30+ years.  Friends that I would have given my life for.  Friends, who's true colors came out when, I either needed them or they would throw me in front of the bus to impress another friend.

It's unfortunate but it's true.  I love each and every one of them but I needed that negativity out.  Se la vie.  I'm just writing today, I guess to convince myself that I am on the right track.  My kids are great and all is good in the Bravo household.  A little lonely as usual but hey, God is good and he will provide.

Back to my friend.  My advise to you is simple.  Things are going to get worse before they get better and you are probably going to lose more friends before you actually realize who your true friends really are.

As I told you before, surround yourself with friends that don't need nothing from you and are positive.  You will be fine!  I know.  Good Karma out, Good Karma back in.

In conclusion, to all my friends that have been reading this, Have a Happy and Healthy Holiday and New Year!!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

12/21/12 Put yourself at ease!! Read

Hey everybody!
I just spent twenty minutes explaining to my children that the world will not end on 12/21/12.  A task which is not that easy.  I figured this would be a great time to put some at ease with this blog today as well.

Here is my first issue:

ready? okay! it may be the year 2012 for us but for:

the Hebrew calendar it's the year 5768
the Chinese calendar it's the year 4706
the reformed Indian calendar it's the year 1929. 

the Muslim Calendar it's the year 2987.

the Persian calendar it's the year 1386.

the Thereveda Buddhist calendar it's the year 2551.

Whose to say that any of our calendars are right?  If that's the case most of them have already past 2012.  

Nothing happened right?

According to the research that I have done:

the Mayans never predicted that this is the end of the world.  They, In fact, would have considered it an honor 

to witness the calendar turn over.  Once the calendar finishes the "Mayan Long Count" on the wheel, they just 

start it over again.  Much like our own Gregorian Calender ends 12/31 then begins a new calendar on 01/01.

For my friends that call themselves "Christians", I say unto 

you, Nor the Angels in heaven or the Son knows when the 

end will come.  Only the Father.  Matthew 24 35-36

Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.

There will be no polarity shifts.  that takes 5000 -10,000 years to happen.
Although I believe that we are at the beginning of the end, I'm sure that there are more things to happen before it's time.

So, please don't lose any sleep over this.  I'm sure most of you realize that it has been the 21st in other parts of the world already for more than 1/2 a day!  What makes us so special that it has to end with us?

If you still feel like that then write all your valuables to me.  I need a car and some cash. 

Enjoy your day people and have a great nights sleep! 

Friday, December 14, 2012

What reason does he have for letting this happen?

This world never ceases to amaze me.  that's not necessarily a good thing.  These killings in Ct shouldn't have never happened.  These children, CHILDREN, didn't deserve to be cut down this early in life.

The coward took his own life after he killed 27 people, 18 of which were children.  What can we do to prevent this from ever happening again.  Stronger gun control laws.  Tell Clint Eastwood to retire already!  Tell Charleston Heston to mind his fucking business.  It's not the colonial times where we have to defend out country on farmlands.

Target shooting?  With Automatic machine guns?!  That's an animal right there!!!  I'm legitimately scared!  How am i going to feel when my children go to school on Monday?  I wonder if they are going to have some counseling for the children that ask about the CT murders?

Here is my prayer to God for the victims:

Heavenly Father Almighty God, on this solemn day and hour I ask and pray that you bring comfort to the

 families of this horrific tragedy. That you send your angels not only to accompany those that passed, those that

 survived. To bring comfort and security to the children that are witnesses. Father accept the victims into your

 arms so that they may be with you in the kingdom of heaven forever and ever! In Jesus' Almighty Name!

 AMEN. (We Pray)

I can't imagine what these families are going thru.  I often hear that God does things "For a 

reason". What reason does he have for letting this happen?