Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"Stop and Frisk"

I think that the fact that I am 47 years old and have experienced New York in the 80's, it has given me a very specific opinion on the "Stop and Frisk" program.  I honestly believe that it is a tool used to prevent crimes.  Although it may seem a little prejudiced at times, it is still a very effective way to control the crime statistics to say the least.

"Stop and Frisk" implements a certain profiling technique to make it a successful option.  In my opinion, it is NOT a racial profiling but rather a "criminal" class profiling.  As we all are aware of, criminals come in all forms of shapes, sizes and colors.  For any one of them to say that they are being racially profiled to be able to stop and frisk, would be ludicrous.

Back in the 80's, there was implemented a complete drug overhaul in the LES.  Most of you remember that. Two cops became famous because of the program.  Baby-face and Rambo.  They were feared because they didn't fear.  They would pull you over and frisked you just because they felt you farted in the wind wrong and they got a bad whiff of it.

It was allowed and very effective.  Unfortunately, we can say that we are safer because of their techniques. To say whether they were right or wrong doesn't matter.  What matters is the outcome.  Now, the stop and frisk has been better regulated but to say that cops can be sued for racial discrimination?  Again, stupid to say the least.

We rely on well known and proven techniques to keep the community safe.  And when I say "WE", I mean the law abiding citizens that just happen to be surrounded by criminals.  I, personally, just want to raise my kids to the best of my ability without the fear of them being killed coming home from school one day.  If Stopping someone that looks suspicious and frisking them can help in that mission.  Well, then do what is necessary.

If I am stopped and frisked, which has happened in the past, I understand that they have a job to do.  If I have given them any reason to do it, then I must be suspicious enough for their reasoning. I may have been hanging out with the wrong crowd, or coming out of a bodega that is known for dealing.  I could be at the wrong place/wrong time.  Who knows?  Personally, I don't give them any reason to do it but if it has to be done.  So let it be done.

I am from the train of thought that, Unfortunately, if you were arrested and convicted of a crime, you lose all rights as a normal citizen.  I understand one tries to get out of the stigma of that arrest and criminality but the bottom line is that you are now a known criminal and have to keep away from the nonsense.  If you find yourself there again and get stopped and frisked, then you have nothing else to say but deal with it.

If this order to stop the "Stop and Frisk" Law isn't appealed, we are going back into time to the 80's before the clean up.  Criminals will go back to carrying weapons like they were carrying keys.  It will become the "Norm" again.  Many "Children" will die again just because someone thinks they can piss farther then the other person who just happens to insult them at that moment.

It is going to get a lot worse as the days go by.  NOT the years but rather days!!  I have never agreed with Bloomberg's policies.  At least the majority of them.  I, however, agree with this one.  It has to be like the United States and Russia was during the cold war.  We knew as they knew that we can blow the fuck out of each other so we never tempted fate and kept each other at arms length.  We needed it. and it worked.

"Stop and Frisk" works as the tool that has them thinking, "You know what? I'm keeping my piece upstairs.  I don't need to do another extra year for this piece.  I might get "Stopped" for nonsense and get busted." Right there, someone life has been saved and maybe even his own life was deterred from going to prison/dying for nothing.

My last thought is this.  If you were stopped and frisked, it wasn't your first time and probably you have a record of dealing or doing something stupid in your previous life.  If it a your first time, please understand it is actually for your safety, unless of course, you are busted for something. You are most likely to get caught so I say MAN UP! Stop doing what you shouldn't be doing.  It's not racial profiling, it is a completely LEGAL type of criminal profiling.  

Maybe you should find your waistline, find a job or continue going to school and then they wont bother you anymore.  As always, this is my personal opinion.   

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Another day

Well, it's another day and I've been thru so much lately.  Where do I begin?  In my last blog entry, I put down that even family can't be trusted.  The loyalty is more important to me than most other values.  I am still trying to believe that but there are many situations that cause me to see differently.

In recent weeks, I have been placed in situations where my small reputation has been place in jeopardy.  My reliance on someone else is usually mute unless I am very close and that person has never screwed me before.

I don't place trust on people easily.  To me, trust must be earned.  Again, I have had to change the outcome to save face.  When this is all said and done, you will know the outcome by my failure or my success. I've committed to this project and I'll be damned if I'm going to look bad on it.

Also, my ex-wife is driving from Texas to pick up our children so that they can stay with her for two weeks.  She will bring them back driving as well.  I feel that she just does whatever she wants regardless of what I'm feeling or even considering a conversation with me.

My main goal is the security and safety of my children.  By her driving over there, she makes the risks higher than flying. So, if you are reading this, I ask for your prayers to keep my children safe throughout their cross country adventure and have God bring them back safe and sound.

Also, after all the nonsense that my ex wife has done to both me and the children, I still don't trust her as far as I can throw her.  She lost all forms of trust with me and she expects me to just give it to her simply because she is their mother and it's a given. Well, News flash, uh, NO!

I hope I'm doing the right thing by my kids and even tho I will be alone for two weeks and I will miss them, I hope they have a wonderful time on this trip.

Finally, in this entry I want to say that I am still depressed.  I am a little scared that it will be a deeper depression when the kids are out and I realize that I'm alone.  Again.  This is no joke.  I feel like someone has put a serious curse on me and It's working.

It's not allowing me to meet anyone new. To hang with old friends due to scheduling conflicts or to be invited to get together's because most of the people there are in couples or have something against me. (Even tho they won't admit or approach me with the problem).

Yes, it may be a little paranoia but the bottom line is that I'm still alone.  Don't get me wrong, I truly appreciate those that I have considered friends and are still there for me.  I just don't want to interrupt their lives for me and I understand that.

I'm lonely.  I'm tired.  I'm upset at some parts of life and of how some of my, "So-called" friends, are selfish and only think of themselves without seeing the consequences or rewards of their actions.  Anyway, Have a wonderful day!