Saturday, July 9, 2011

There's no crying in baseball!!

I don't know why but lately I've been kind of tearing when I see an inspirational movie.  I get that little palpitation and it feels like the end part of a hiccup.  A sigh.  A breath.  Maybe it's because I have been wearing my emotions on my sleeve or maybe covering them too well and they seek a way to be shown.  Don't know.

All I know is that as I'm watching Men of Honor with Cuba Gooden Jr and Robert DeNiro, I start tearing and feeling proud when he starts the final countdown of steps and reminds him and the court what is a diver!  Is that cheesy or what?  LOL

It gets worse.  I find myself looking around my apartment to make sure I'm alone when I know that I'm alone.  I was watching, "How too train your dragon" and guess what?  it brought tears to my eyes!  A freaking animation. 

The first time I ever cried at a movie was in an actual movie theatre.  When I saw the movie "The Champ" with Ricky Schroeder and Jon Voight.  Don't you know that when he died I cried like a newborn baby just got his ass hit!  I was 11 years old but still. 

Friends today make fun of others who cry at movies.  They put up fronts because they feel its unmanly.  Well, I have news for you, I've seen the biggest, toughest man I know cry at a movie.  It makes you human not a , what was I called?  Oh yes, A Pussy!  LOL

Usually I answer them with a saying but you know what?  I've learned that a little vulnerability turns a woman on.  It doesn't hurt to bring out your feminine side.  I admit I have one.  I like Broadway shows, fine dining and I like rough housing too.  A little slap on my ass helps me get going too! I guess what today's blog is that you are who you are.

When you show these emotions to others, they can see how you really are and determine for themselves whether they want to be friends or more than friends.  That's when you see if you are compatible or not.  So, for those that know me, don't make fun because I've seen some of you Negros crying too!  For those that don't, look out because here I come!!!!


  1. Its ok Ken... crying doesn't make you any less a man... Some of the toughest guys I know have broken down in front of shows you are human and that you have a heart and emotions and I think as we get older those emotions come out even more...Its funny I cried during the Champ too and so did most of the movie theater and I know a lot of guys were there watching. Another movie I remember men crying out was Terms of Endearment... when Debra Winger dies at the end the whole theater was bawling... so as always don't worry what others think... go with your heart : ) There I go with my 2 cents again (Kim)

  2. Not a thing wrong with fact, to me...I always found men that will cry and let others see a TRUE sign of being a Man. Now I don't like a wimpy man, but a one that can so a little of the feminine side as you mentioned Ken, is DAMN good!!! Beaches always gets me...The Notebook...and the Outsiders....booo hoooo fest!
