Monday, April 23, 2012

A friend is the dollar in your pocket.

I haven't posted in a while so here goes my latest beef with the world.  So called, "Friends".

I know that we really can't call Facebook friends, "friends". It's a social network and I should expect my acquaintances to act as such.  I, however, have more faith in my friends that they have of me.  For some reason, and I think it's of no fault of my own, I've been blasted and judged, not only behind my back but to my face.  The shit is that it's done with a smile on their face and for me not to stir up any problems, I stay quiet and take the abuse.  It's anal sex without the lube but with a smile!

Some of these, so-called friends, have placed themselves on such high horses that they can't even see the toilet when they shit!  Being part of a click for a long time has given me the experience of a lifetime.  I enjoyed the company very much but the honest truth is that everyone gets old.  Life moves on.  I have lost some very close friends in the past, due to mis-communications, gossip and/or death.

Friends that I truly shed a tear for.  Ironically, that's how I've been rating my new friends.  Would I shed a tear for them if they passed?  Sorry to say but honestly 70% of that answer is no.  In high school I was a proud young man.  I earned my station in school and I wore the title very well.  I may have seemed a bit conceited but I think that view was from haters.  sorry to say it but it's true.  I never felt I was better than anybody and I still feel the same way now.

I'm just finding it hard to have a conversation with anybody without being judged because I don't drink, smoke or hangout with two-faced, alcoholic hypocrites! Got news for you, I may live in the PJ's, may be home alone, no drinks, no drugs but I am me.  And, I am doing what God wants me to do.  My kids are not hanging in the streets despite what their mom did to them and they are thriving.

I know I'm venting but I've been holding it in too long.  I wish certain people would take their own advice and mind their business.  I expect a lot from my friends because they expect a lot from me.  If I have come through for them why can't they do the same?

A true friend can go years without seeing each other and it would feel like it was yesterday.  I don't feel like that with many of you "friends".  I also identify a friend by the title my children call them.  It's usually Tio or Titi.  It's that because that friend is family.  Uncle Spray, Uncle Gus, Uncle Gee.  It used to be Tio Jose, titi becky but they took a risk and lost.

For my high school acquaintances, well, those that are truly my friends, you know who you are.  You've called me or messaged me out of nowhere just to see how I am doing.  Or how my kids are doing.  I appreciate that so much.  Uncle Jimmy.  He's been there through and through and I'll always have much love for him even tho I don't see him often enough.  For those that judged me, I will weed you out one by one out of my life.

All I've ever asked of anybody was to walk a mile in my shoes, then judge me not les thee be judged.

Oh and before I forget, If I send you a personal message and you don't answer it, I take offense to that. It takes two minutes just to say, "Everything is fine Ken, I'll get to you later."  It's a simple acknowledgement and it releases the stress of my worrying.  If you can't answer anything for me then I must say goodbye to you conceited fucks of the world.

To those I love, you understand.  To those I like, you too understand.  To the rest.  Up yours!

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