Saturday, June 16, 2012

"Beating around the bush"

Today I just wanted to touch base on the idea of "Beating around the bush".  In all my years, I've learned how to accurately read people.  Their body language, the speech patterns and obviously, even the faces one puts on can tell you exactly how they feel.

I find it harder, however, when I'm being text and/or talking on the phone because I can't see the person in front of me.  So, like any other normal person, I come to assume what you are actually saying.

I speak to people often and find that they say one thing and mean another.  Usually, the total opposite of how they really feel.  That's okay but it definitely gets tiring and I know that some people use that as a defense mechanism because they have been hurt too many times in their lives.

Some few examples of what I mean, for instance, If I invite someone somewhere or make plans with them, I really look forward to those plans.  I hear the enthusiasm in their voice and I even get more excited because it sounds like fun.

Unfortunately, in all the excitement the reality is that they were saying one thing and meaning another.  They never confirm with you and when you finally get in touch with them, they made other plans.  My question at this point is "Why lead me on?"

The truth is easier to handle so that I can make adjustments.  I don't take anything to heart anymore except when that is done to me, I change my routine so that I fit you in and it messes me up. Don't lead me on if you are not going to go thru with it.

Another example is, when I speak to certain people on the phone or via text.    They begin to tell me how they feel when I know that they are feeling the total opposite.  Not only can I sense it, I can hear it as well.  They want to tell me something but the guilt that they feel do not allow them to do so.  It's either guilt or pride.

Either way, it's not a good thing.  I totally believe in the truth.  If you say what you feel from the get, the feelings would be less hurt.  This "Beating around the bush" deal has got to stop.  C'mon people, if you don't like me then say it and we will deal with that.  And this definitely goes to some of my "So called friends"  who look at me with one face and talk shit behind my back.  I know it to be true just by the way you look at me, let alone the comments I get from people we know.

I lost a friendship that I had for 30 years.  We were the best of friends and by saying one thing to me and then saying another to someone else, he took a chance at losing the friendship and lost.  I miss my friend and for some reason lately I have been thinking about him.  I would never speak about anybody badly to impress someone else.  Anyway, it goes to show that you never know who's listening.

I wanted this to be short and sweet but I guess I just couldn't do it.  LOL Put all your pride and guilt aside and say what's on your mind.  If I am a true friend to you, you won't lose that.  However, remember, it works both ways.  If you can do it for me, I can do it for you and even though it may hurt at first, I would consider it the best for both of us.

Have a great day!  #Speaking Truth!

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