This post will be a little different than all the others. This post will definitely offend most people but as usual I don't care. As usual I have taken on my new philosophy that I will do and say what I want because I can. And, I feel good about it.
I read a post the other day about how women, being mothers, post really sexy and dirty pictures of themselves on facebook. The comment was chastising these women because the children can see these photos and think its okay. I totally agree with the comment.
If you are a parent, you must lead by example. They think of themselves before thinking of their children. Would you want your daughters disrespected in the streets or on some social network because they post half nude pictures of themselves?
What kind of person does that? I have to say that it works both ways too. As I was coming home, I saw a young couple walking with a baby stroller. They had to be about 15-16 years old. The father walking next to, what I am going to assume was the baby's mama, look like he was pure street.
That didn't bother me. I felt so bad for the child when I saw him sagging to the back of his knees! What kind of example are you going to show your son or daughter? All that is over when you become a parent. The chain has to stop at one point or another!
You're going to teach your children tradition that was born in the hollow halls of jails? Why would you do that? I understand that young people today have to find their own identities but why not find a positive, respectful one? How you perceive yourself is exactly how people see you.
I'm not going to lie. I had my own fads in high school. Some of them included straight legs, Adidas lace in checkerboard, kangos, on and on but the moment my son was born, I gave it all up and I started living for me. I must say I was 29 when he was born but that didn't change a thing.
I thanked God for him and changed my whole outlook on life. My son was and will be a reflection of me. He is now, at 16, respectful of others and himself. He doesn't do drugs or drinks and all because I changed my lifestyle.
It's not just my son, I have nephews and nieces that I need them to see that I am a great uncle. They love me and come to me for advise and jokes and time with them. I'm happy I am able to provide that for them.
Finally, and I think this will be the big one, there is a difference between casual drinking and just being obnoxious about the whole thing. I know people that hang out to the point of not remembering the night before. These are probably the same people that question their teenagers when they get home an hour late smelling like beer or herb.
Again, the children are products of the parents. Going out, every freaking weekend, to drink and act like fools, in my opinion, isn't cool. You guys give the term alcoholic a new name! You come up with ANY reason to go hang out! I'm just saying, you guys are old enough to know better.
I'm not saying that I am better than you. I've done my mis-deeds plenty of times. That is one of the reasons why I have no sense of smell! I'm just saying, at what point in your life do you look in the mirror and say to yourself, "That's enough!"
Drinking doesn't get rid of your problems, it just delays them. Yes, you get a buzz or an outright high but, the reality is, it doesn't last long. For me to survive on a daily basis, I have to take 13 pills a day. I'm not proud of it but it all stemmed from what I used to do.
I think that I've written all these words because I truly love and care about some of you and I want you to be happy in your life. A life that your kids can be proud of. A safe and healthy life that can be extended for a long time.
"Thirsty Thursdays, Fallout Friday's, Stunk drunk Saturdays" Whatever you want to call them, it all boils down to the same thing. Talk about a rut! It's truly sad to hear that a friend has passed away because they had cirrhosis of the liver or because they got into an accident while intoxicated.
I lost a good friend because he got drunk and broke his neck. He was a para for years until it was time. If he were here today, he would be cursing everybody out! He was just that type of guy. He would be shaking his head at all the idiots out there.
I say this because I care. You can take this advise and throw it out like an old newspaper or you can learn from other peoples mistakes. As far as the young people, understand that EVERYBODY gets old, oh and don't get upset when the cops profile you and harass you simply because you are sagging or dealing or drinking a beer.
That's just part of life, right? You and your bad self! Remember, this is just one man's opinion. I'm sure that many agree with me and many don't. I really don't care, it's just something I'd thought I had to say. Have a great one!
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