Monday, April 1, 2013

Nothing is for free!

I was told a story one time that required an answer and tested my morals.  Let me ask the question as I was asked:  A boy, who seemed hungry and poor, stood inside of a bakery enjoying the smell of freshly baked bread.  He just stood standing next to the aisle where the bread was placed.

The owner of the bakery kept an eye on him at all times.  It was the first time that this boy had been in his store even though he had seen him in his neighborhood.  In the time it took the owner to turn and get a customer a loaf of bread, the boy grabbed another loaf and attempted to run out the store.

Since it was early afternoon, the store began to get full and the child ran into other customers causing him to get pulled by the owner.  The child was asked why did he do it?  The owner asked the question because depending on his answer, he would either call the cops or let him go.

The child simply said he was hungry.  In the world that is today, what do you do as the owner?  Do you let him go and feed him even though you condone stealing or do you call the cops and have him arrested?

Now with the situation above, I know I will get many differences of opinions.  The reason I set it up is because my question matters like the one above.

What is the use of imprisoning people if all they are going to do is come back out to the same corner, dealing the same thing, to the same people? I think the more basic question is, Is there any situation that you can't change that would always have you constantly breaking the law?

Maybe it's just me and I'm ignorant.  I see things in a different light.  I know people that work hard all their lives just to make ends meet and get screwed over constantly and others who don't do a damn thing but found a way to get over the system.  these are the same people that use their benefit cards to buy hot pork chops with tostones from the corner bodega!

Look, I have found it much better not to judge anyone.  Sometimes, tho, it has to be done!  In all fairness, and I mean in all fairness to everyone, why should I pay taxes or owe the government money to pay for your non-working, non-taking a bath, hanging out in the corner, baby-making asses!?!

Then, you are intimidating your neighbors so that people can fear you and for all you know, those same people can just come and blow you away!  Being in jail does nothing else but hone your skills as a criminal.  You can learn many a trade there without having to pay for college.

The only difference is that you don't get a degree.  Hard Knox isn't just good enough.  Also, instead of breaking the ignorance chain, they continue and pass it on to their children.  And they wonder why they end up in jail or dead or other bad things that happen to them.

I have news for you. We live in the 21st century.  Nothing is owed to you.  You may look like a prince, handsome and charming or whatever but you need to earn what is it that you get.  fucking get a job and an education and move on with your life!

I know that what some people see as right, others may see as wrong and I understand that.  I accept constructive criticism always.  If it is done properly and respectful, I can change my life.  Only if it changes for the betterment of me and my children.

I should be able to walk down the street without my daughter asking to walk another way because some funny-looking, street thugs with sagging pants are on our way home.  You know it's obvious what they are doing which begs the question, where the hell are the cops?  Is it donuts time!!!!

Parents, take a look at your children and decide for yourself if you are doing good by them.  If you have ANY doubts then you are not doing a great job.  The life your children lead are a direct reflection of you.  Be proud and raise them to be proud.  Work and earn for the family.  Not sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

Nothing is for free.

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