Thursday, June 30, 2011

Drink, Smoke, live it up!!!!

See, I'm not the first one to judge but I think that the following subject and opinions have to be said.  it's one of those things that make you shake your head in awe.  It's the loss of self-respect as an adult in comparison to the young bucks out there today.

When I was a teenager, I always had a problem drinking.  I would hang with my friends and there would be little or no alcohol.  I was always aware of that Spanish saying, "Tell me with whom you walk and I tell you who you are".  I wasn't invited to too many parties because I didn't drink or smoke. (Weed)

I, in my early 20's on occasion, did drink and I always said it, If I'm going to drink, it's to get fucked up!!!  So, I did.  I got fucked up to the point that I ended up on the FDR drive in the lap of my best friend at the time.  She didn't know how we got there either.  In fact, it was at my ex best friends bachelor party that it happened.

Anyway, I'm ranting on to make a point.  I understand why young people of today, and I mean persons between 21-34 years old, go out and have a party/great time.  I understand the need to smoke and get high.  I understand.  I pray that they, soon enough, understand it's time to grow up and move forward with your life.  It's not all about getting high.  It's not all about fucking that shorty tonight.  It's all about your individual growth.

I, shake my head even more, when I see my generation still doing it!  I was sitting down enjoying the weather yesterday in front of my building while my daughter was in the sprinkles.  A couple of young girls sat down to eat something they had bought from the store.  As they were going home, I was told that they smoke and get high with their mother!!!!   I asked how old they were and they told me 14 years old!!!  They even said that they were having sex and that the mother knew about it.

That got me mad, not at them but at their ignorant mother.  it's not the bad student, it's the bad teacher.  Or in this case, the bad parent!  We blame our children for not making it far in life and yet we are terrible role models.  I love my children too much to give them a bad future.

My generation smoking and drinking and whoring and hanging out like its okay then complaining about it the next day.  "Oh man, I don't have enough for this or that."  Whatever.  If you are one of those people that missed out on your youth, well then, I'm sorry to say, too bad!  You can't regain it but you can enjoy your life without those stupid things like Herb, ex, beer, fuckin' rum!  Whatever it takes you to escape, you can find other ways.

I'm 44 years old, I don't drink, don't smoke and by the looks of me it's obvious I don't sleep around.  I'm very proud of myself.  I did what I did in my 20's and I'm paying for it now.  The only thing I miss from back in the day is the friendships.  Now, as an adult raising two children, I see the light in a different way.  I want my children to live long and happy lives.  I want them to be drug free and non-alcoholics.  I don't want them relying on a substance to achieve their goals.

I think what I'm basically saying is that only you know what's best for you and you are not going to find it on the bottom of a shot glass or at the end of a blunt.  Don't hate on others because they don't like what you do.  Most of you need to learn from experience and I pray to God that the experience don't kill you. 

Bless you all...Do it while you're young and live.  Once you're older you can't get it back no matter how hard you try.  It can break up a marriage, can have you end up a grand parent.  You can die from disease.

I'm just saying.

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