Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I'm feeling a little tightness today.  I received my first tuition notice from my daughters new school.  It's $288.00.  When I called the school to ask why is it so much, she said that it wasn't the first tuition payment but rather the fundraising payment. 

i was under the impression that the fundraising payment would be split across the board in 10 months but now I find out that It has to be paid now before the school starts.  And that's not even the tuition payment!!

SMH...I have no idea what I am doing.  So, I asked God why am I in such a tight position, or even better, why would he allow others that are responsible for our kids too, not pay anything and have us in such a tight spot.  They're living the life but no responsibilities!

Something is going on and I'm telling you, I will be hitting the lotto soon.  For me to deal with all this nonsense and have to live literally month by month barely making it and my kids not being able to enjoy an icy off the street or something to cool them down because of stupidity! 

I can understand why some people give up on our lord.  Why some people don't believe in him.  I believe in him so much, I get mad at myself for doubting sometime.  I have to pray for a great outcome to my situation so:

Dear Lord, Almighty Father, I am your humble servant and I love you.  Your presence is felt everywhere I go and I am grateful for that. I know you have a path in mind for me and I ask that you grace me with the Holy Spirit so that I may see and walk the path for me.  I pray that you remove all hatred in my heart and fill it with love.  I am lost and wonder why.  You can guide me to a better life.  I ask for my daily bread and that you revenge against those that wish harm to me and my family.  I call your name Almighty Father and thank you for all I have been given.  I await your response with open heart and patience.  Forgive me for doubting  and bless all that seek and find you.  In his almighty name!!!!  Amen.

In sounds better in Latin:

O Domine, Pater omnipotens, ego sum, servus et humilis amo te. Praesentia ubique tuus vadam, et palpato eo habeo gratiam. Scio tibi in via animum mihi rogo mihi gratiam Spiritus Sancti ita ut videat et ambulet in via pro me. Oro vos in corde meo et auferam omne odium amore replebit. Et mirum est cur pereo. Quisque ut meliorem vitam ducere. Obsecro te pro meo panem et vindictam contra illos qui volunt malum mihi et familiae meae. Voco nomen tuum, Pater omnipotens, et gratias agam et ego dedi vos omnes. Responsum tuum exspecto toto corde et patientiam. Dimitte me ut benedicam dubitandi et quaerere et invenire. In omnipotens nomen! Amen.

Thanks for letting me vent a little!!!


  1. kenny sometimes we got to get off our asses and make things happened. instead of waiting for god to do everything for know me i say it like i think it is right or wrong.In my case i work over 80 hours a week two jobs to support myself and kids. i never really complain even though i wish i was able to go out more than i am able to.however i choose to go out and do what i got to do to survive. some days are harder than others but as a man i handle it. just in case in no way am i putting you down or glorifying myself. its that to many people sit around waiting for god to do there work for them.just my opinion thats all it is

  2. The first comments who wrote -- u r so right. God Bless u, Ken and children!!!
