Friday, December 14, 2012

What reason does he have for letting this happen?

This world never ceases to amaze me.  that's not necessarily a good thing.  These killings in Ct shouldn't have never happened.  These children, CHILDREN, didn't deserve to be cut down this early in life.

The coward took his own life after he killed 27 people, 18 of which were children.  What can we do to prevent this from ever happening again.  Stronger gun control laws.  Tell Clint Eastwood to retire already!  Tell Charleston Heston to mind his fucking business.  It's not the colonial times where we have to defend out country on farmlands.

Target shooting?  With Automatic machine guns?!  That's an animal right there!!!  I'm legitimately scared!  How am i going to feel when my children go to school on Monday?  I wonder if they are going to have some counseling for the children that ask about the CT murders?

Here is my prayer to God for the victims:

Heavenly Father Almighty God, on this solemn day and hour I ask and pray that you bring comfort to the

 families of this horrific tragedy. That you send your angels not only to accompany those that passed, those that

 survived. To bring comfort and security to the children that are witnesses. Father accept the victims into your

 arms so that they may be with you in the kingdom of heaven forever and ever! In Jesus' Almighty Name!

 AMEN. (We Pray)

I can't imagine what these families are going thru.  I often hear that God does things "For a 

reason". What reason does he have for letting this happen?  


  1. Amen.The minute I my son got out of school I gave him a kiss and hug and the way home I couldn't let go of him. I try to tell him what had happen and why I was feeling the way I was because it felt it had happen to me as well. We has parents always say our good bye at the end of the day when we drop our children to school and you never think anything like what happen would happen. So they is no blame on God just of how the government need to do a better job in controlling gun laws. R.I.P. Peace little Angels of God and the Adult who were lost as well. Maria R C

  2. My brother Ken. I share your outrage and sadness regarding our innocent victims both child and adult. No one should have to leave the Earth in this manner. I pray with you for the many, many famiies affected by this cruel and insane crime. When asking why God would allow, or permit this or any evil to come upon innocent creations of His own, I offer this. The Lord in giving us free will, as in the very chosing of whether to accept or reject His Son, has given Mankind full dominion over the Earth. We were made in His image with ability to do good, great, and sometimes pure selfish, and evil deeds as well. If God were to "control" our every move to say you cant hurt or kill, we would complain that we have no freedom, or rights. He is just, and Hates Sin. Therefore, grieves deepy with us over sin, but not just when kids or innocent people die young. He sees countless souls, reject His free gift of ETERNAL LIFE every day. That as a Heavenly Father is like this horrible act ,but on steroids. The reason being is, the children taken too early to chose Heaven or Hell, are safe with Him. As for multitides of adults , teens, etc. They have no excuse, and tragically end up spending eternity separated from God in a lake of fire. I know I went in here, but this is truly life or death, and I find it EXTREMELY important. God bless you my brother. Hope you can read my sincerity and concern. Your bro....Bernard.

  3. Correction * to the following statement (We were made in His image with ability to do good, great, and sometimes pure selfish, and evil deeds as well) **Should read**. We were made in His image with ability to do good, BUT because of our fallen nature (established with Adam and Eves first SIN) we also can do pure selfish, and evil deeds as well. Your Brother Bernard.
