Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Cleaning

(This entry is just my mind thinking)

It's been so weird in my house.  I sit on my sofa and I see shadows pass by through the corner of my eye.  As I walk pass the kitchen I feel a chill and goosebumps on my arms.  It can't be anything bad right?

I know that in every Spanish/Black family, there is someone that believes in the spiritual side of life.  I am no exception and what I have learned is sufficiently enough to protect me and my family but I don't know how to get rid of this presence in my home.

I think it's a build up of negative energy being sent my way via people that don't want me to succeed with my kids and life.  I can only speculate who it is but I can't point the finger in that direction.  It is possible but is it plausible?

I guess I will have to do something a Facebook friend taught me and that is to P.U.S.H. "Pray Until Something Happens".  A little Agua Florida and holy water will do some justice as well.  What I need is for that person/s to get what they deserve so, with my prayer I will finish it by saying "Que Dios te multiplique todo lo que tu me deseas" for you non-speaking spanish folk, "May God multiply on you all that you wish on me!"

Then after that, I will have no choice but to clean the mess I have in my house.  It's not dirty, it's just an organized mess!  Thank you for reading my mind a bit!  Enjoy!


  1. Hey! Ken... just keep staying positive... It is all part of the process we all have been going through... I went through this... thats why I moved out and found my own place... I understand that might not be possible for you... what i would suggest is clean house and I mean go through your closets and draws and everything and just get rid of all the crap... especially if it is anything belonging to the EX... trust me with a good cleaning and positive thinking the positive energy will flow in your home once again... and dude stop worrying about Karma... let Karma do its thing in its own time... cause it will come... worry about yourself and those beautiful children... just my 2 cents as always : ) (KIM)

  2. I agree with Kim and the comment above. Let it go already. Karma will happen in good time. But I wouldn't "pray" or wish bad on anyone(even the ex) because it's only gonna come back to you. You can clean your house all you want but the negativity all comes within yourself. Stay positive and live your life. Leave the past where it belongs. If not you will never be able to live a happy and healthy life. Pray & keep the faith. God Bless you & your kids.
