Wednesday, May 25, 2011

ghetto Mama's!

Today I was on the bus and was reminded of how ignorant some woman can be.  I can understand the age issue, like if you were 15/16 when you have your first child but Damn, you have to have some sense.  For instance, if you're in the hospital waiting your turn for your appointment and you have your children with you.  Watch 'em!  The hospital is not a park and you need to control your kids.

I was watching Sinbad one day and I believe he was the first to say it.  "Beat your kids!"  LOL....all joking aside, I know that the law allows you to spank your children.  Don't let the threat of ACS frightened you.  I understand but its time to take action against those kids that want to run your life.

Oh, before I forget, if the pacifier falls on the floor, for God's sake, please don't put it in your mouth then put it in your baby's mouth!  That's disgusting and ignorant!  Learn how to take care of yourself and your kids!
While you're in the street, please wear clothes that fit, not something 4 sizes to small. Chichos all over the place!!!

Finally, we don't want to hear your vulgar mouths.  If you don't have anything intelligent to say, don't say nothing at all!

Thank you!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOL. so true-you could not have said that better :)
