Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Oh oh. This subject is Taboo! (Religion) Read at your own risk!

I was raised catholic.  Even though I don't agree with most of their practices I would like to think that I've been good and am a good catholic Christian.  To be a Christian, you have to follow the beliefs of Christ.  Catholicism does in fact do that and more.  The love that Jesus gives us on a daily basis cannot be denied.

I believe tho, that the problem stems from the plaster saints placed all around the catholic church.  There was one church that didn't do too much of that and I enjoyed services there because I didn't want to feel like a hipocrit.  I was having a great discussion with my Jehovah Witness friend and we actually enjoy talking about things.  She is one of the few that can have a conversation without getting upset and keeping an open mind.

She said that the commandment clearly state "Thou shalt not honor any other God before me".  And here we are, kissing the feet of a plaster saint in the middle of Gods house.  I attempted to justify it by saying that we, the catholics, use the saints as visual aids.  So that when we pray we can focus on the prayer and who we are dedicating it to.  But I have to admit, there are parishoners who believe the plaster itself has the power to heal, or to find or help.  Whatever the reason, they are placing all their energies on them.

The JW believe that Jesus was crucified on the cross but not in the traditional way.  The cross was shaped like an "X" not a "T".  What bothered me about that wasn't the shape but rather why the argument?  I mean, isn't the point that they crucified him and he died for our sins?  How he died shouldn't be questioned, the focus should be on why he died and the blessings he has given us in doing so.

Finally, the JW believe that Jesus was a dark man with copper bottomed feet and curly hair.  He was the ultimate man.  There are many pictures in the catholic church of Jesus being a white man.  Rumor has it tho that Michelangelo needed a model for a portrait of Jesus and he went and found a GAY white man that fit his description. in jail!.  So, apparently the pics of jesus are really a white, gay criminal.

I was always told never to discuss Politics or religion.  I always understood but enjoyed a good debate here and there anyway.  I believe we must always refreshen your mind to keep it on its toes.  I'm the avid believer that there is an Awesome God taking care of us and if we treat ourselves well and never forget him or stop letting him know, we will have the most awesomes adventure in this world we call earth.  He wants us to love and be happy.   So if you guys don't mind, I wish to end this posting on a prayer.

"Almighty Father, Heavenly God.  He that touches our lives with love and wonder.  I love you.  You have shown me mercy when I have needed it.  You have defended me when it was required and you have picked me up and walked me through the storm.  My life, my soul, my heart, they are yours.  Lord Father, I ask that you bless me with a long and healthy life but when it is time for you to call my name to serve you, I ask that you take me quickly.  I ask that you bless my children and give them long, healthy lives.  Inspire your children of the world to look out for false prophets.  Remind them that only you know when and how.  Remove those false prophets and let them be judged almighty father.  Bless my family and my special friends.  Keep them safe and sound.  I ask you Almighty Father in his name AMEN!!!!"""

God Bless you all!

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