Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bait and switch

How many of you guys remember the audio store on Delancey Street called "VicMarr"?  They used to have one on Southern Blvd in the Bronx as well.  Anyway, for those that were not local, they were famous for the ol' "Bait and Switch" routine. 

They used to have a great system in the window at a great price and when you walked in to buy it, they conveniently sold out but have a much better product, of course, at a higher price.  the scheme was tho, that even tho you were on Delancey street and knew you could haggle, they would drive the prices WAAAY up before you even got there so that you haggle to their price anyway.  On top of that, they didn't put the prices on the merchandise, they put a code in.  Only the salesman and a few locals knew what they were.

Has anyone ever experienced the ol' "Bait and Switch" technique in a relationship?  I have a friend that is in a relationship but is now more confused than ever because he feels like he has been scammed.  He's afraid that he wants out because she wasn't truthful from the beginning.

She made sure that she told him everything he wanted to hear before the relationship started, (Bait), then a couple of months after they got together, she started demanding things that she has been wanting to do in a relationship (Switch).  He, however, doesn't agree with these things.

Now, I can't get into details because those that read this will automatically know who I'm talking about but maybe you can place yourselves in this situation and give an honest opinion.  According to what he says, he really likes this girl.  It may even be love and he doesn't want to disrespect her in any kind of way by denying her anything but he feels that he is being pressured to do something he may not be ready for.

She has been through a lot and I assume that she just wants to guarantee certain things in life but can anyone ever guarantee anything anyway?  That's what I told him. I also told him that only God can decide what is best for him.  I told him to place his trust in God and all will be well.  I guess, tho, that's my faith and he thanked me for the advice.

If it was me, I'd be going by instinct and worry, as usual, of how it would turn out.  For some stupid reason, I always try to look out for others and not myself.  A habit I have to change sooner or later.  I guess it's a self-preservation thing.  LOL

What I'm trying to say, and I hope that the girl reads this, is that life is too short to be making plans for the future when NOTHING is guaranteed in this life.  Place whatever wishes you have in God's hands and let him decide what is best for you.  More importantly, please be honest with one another so that there are NO miscommunication in the future. 

The "Bait" you put out will catch you a great person if it's true and coming from the heart.  Therefore, no need to "Switch" or demand/place conditions on anything.   Have a great weekend everybody!

Sir Ken Bravo!   LOL


  1. why do people demand & presure people into doing things that don't want... I believe that we are on this earth to LIVE life... to spend time with family and friends and enjoy the beauty of nature around us... poeple keep wanting material things. Promises and gurantees... well wake up and smell the coffee ladies and gentalmen... live in the present... not in yesterday and not for tomorrow... and not for things that will never last.... remember everday is a gift... that is why its called the present : ) just my 2 cents as always

  2. Conditions already did your friend meet and greet?
    her yet. Shit talk about upfront. Hmmm Sounds like self preservation to me just saying...look booth ways when you cross....;))))))Remember this don't let anyone dictate, you set the tempo....
