Wednesday, July 6, 2011

This single dad thing

You know, sometimes as I write I tend to hold tears back.  They are not tears of sadness or pain but rather tears of frustration and anger.  I was reminded this weekend that I shouldn't take credit for stepping up and being a single dad.  I agree, kind of.  The reason I may disagree is because single dads these days don't get enough credit.  Especially since there are not as many as there should be.

Anyway, My anger stems from the ex wife.  The woman that got up and left her family after 16 years without even trying to save the relationship.  Not necessarily for me but for the sanity of the children.  I know, I know, I shouldn't stay with someone for the kids but she never gave me an opportunity to find out.

I don't know of any mothers that would leave their families.  Coward!!!!   Why the fuck did you have the family if you couldn't handle it?  Sorry people.  This is my blog and my opinion and probably the only way for me to truly vent. 

I love my kids to death.  From the two of us, I won the children.  She may have the freedom and the life but I have my kids.  I'm proud to be a father and anyone that tries to take the glory out of that can kiss my ass. 

I've also been advised to forgive the ex and forget.  Well, that is most definitely easier said than done.  How can you forgive someone that tore your heart out and bit into it?  How can you forgive someone that has no problem in flaunting what they have to make you feel worse?

I was doing so good until I spoke to her today.  I was happier and smiling more.  Enjoying life regardless of how hot it is outside.  I know what it is to hate and I feel terrible for hating.  I don't have any other way to approach her and her actions.  My only goal right now is to provide a happy life for my kids and to, every once in a while, enjoy the company of a beautiful woman.

What I'm basiaclly saying is that I don't forgive her.  She doesn't deserve forgiveness because she has no heart.  She is selfish and a liar.  She has no remorse and doesn't realize that there are consequences for her actions.  I said it before but my only solace is that Karma is a motherfucker and she'll pay for her actions in this life and the next.

God bless all the single dads that are doing a GREAT job with their children.


  1. Kenny is it the fact that she cheated on you or is it the fact that she left you... Maybe she didnt want you anymore and was telling you and you just was not seeing it. In any case f*&k her. Move on dude. You don't need her. You don't want her anymore. Yes you are venting but every other thing out your mind is her. Yes she hurt you but don't let her destroy you.. You are a great dad and your kids know that. You have to let it go dude.. Maybe thats the reason why the girls are not coming your way. You are to hung up on what you wife did.. Move on dude.... Move on!

  2. Yes, Kenny it is time to move on with yourself and for your kids. Be happy that you are doing a great job as a single DAD for them and in the end all will pay off. Like you said "Karma M@*@*^ does get back at the one that hurt you and in double. Live, Laugh, and Love.......

  3. Seems to me your always crying looking for pity . Be a man stop bitchin . Grab your balls and go forward .then only will you find happiness .no woman is going to want to be with a guy who is always crying about there ex.

  4. Correct me if Im wrong but when the wife got married with you you were employed and 250 pounds lighter. It may sound extreme but it probably is not what she signed up for. So lets keep it real and Know that you to played a part in the destruction of your relationship.As for the kids, rewards are not granted to parents who are doing what parents should be doing. Let the world pat you on your back stop patting yourself. Most single parents are women who work and raise a family they are not looking to be glorifed. Get a job and forget the ex and then talk about how difficult it truly is.
