Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So for years, probably since I was a teenager, I wondered why a liquor store was called "Liquor Store" and when you went to rich areas, they were called "Wines and Spirits".  Why there were more located in the low income areas like LES (Back in the day), Harlem , Washington Hts.  The list go on and on because there are more of us than of them.

I figured it out.  Poverty brings depression.  Depression brings escape and the need to escape brings alcohol as well as other drugs.  It's a shame that we rely on those methods of escape rather than finding another.  Part of it is hereditary.  It's brought down from generation to generation.  Like the welfare chain. 

Once a family is on it, it will continue until the chain is broken.  That's a whole other topic!  Anyway, the reason I bring the "Liquor Store" conundrum up is because I was hanging out the other day and was looking at members of a church group walking around our neighborhood inviting everyone to the church.

It was part of a leadership youth group or something and I found it strange.  I asked my friend, why were they focusing on our neighborhood instead of going towards, maybe Ave A, or somewhere where there are rich upperclassman?  I believe that the people in our neighborhood don't need to find God because 98% of them already have God in their lives.

Especially with all the praying they do.  In fact, I believe that there are competitions within the churches to change us from one church to the other.  I've had Jehovah's Witnesses knock on my door, some Catholics and some pentecostal churches as well.  I think that they think it's a free for all!  LOL

As they were approaching the bench I was sitting on, I decided it's time for me to get up and call my daughter to go upstairs.  I have very specific views on religion and I try to follow my grandfathers philosophy, Never discuss religion or politics.  Many people follow that as well.

Back to the story, I get up and I whistle my usual whistle so my daughter, who was in the park by the sprinklers, knows I'm calling her.  She looks at me and I wave her in.  The girl from the ministry notices how I call for my daughter and asked me if that's the usual way I call her.

I said yes and she went on to say that it was a cool way of doing it and that she is going to implement the same thing when she has kids and wants to call them.  Now, First of all, the whistle is region oriented as to say that, only certain whistles work and they are probably from the Lowa!  Holla!!

Secondly, picture a young white chick, dressed in church clothes, whistling a whistle she heard from me.  Wouldn't that be great?! I would like, for maybe one day, to be treated as an equal and tell these people to go preaching where the devil lies.  With the Rich because us poor people have God in our hearts.  If we didn't, we would not be here today.  God bless you all!!!

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