Thursday, July 7, 2011

My venting

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I extend my deepest apologies for my last blog entry.  It seems that I was doing fine until , well, you know.  Anyway, I want to thank all those that wrote back to me telling me how it is.

I know already where I have to be but do appreciate the advise and experience.  Again, I was doing much better.  I found myself smiling more and doing things that I won't usually do.  Life is getting better for me, I just needed to vent a little so that I don't go out and commit a crime to release the anger.

So quickly I will say, I can always count on your honesty and appreciate your comments even tho you guys don't leave your names.  Especially the one that said grow a pair!  LOL   that's funny, if you only knew!!!!

Have a good day Everyone!!!   LOL

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